Developing Tagged App Clone

Developing Tagged App Clone


I and a group of three people worked on an App called Tagged and succeeded in cloning. We built the App in just 2days without any backend development. I am currently aspiring Full stack Android Development at Masai School.

First look over the App


Concepts covered in App

we used Android Studio for developing the App. Constraint layouts - This Layout makes Developing time and complexity easier. fragments -we used it for switching from one activity to another effectively, it also helped us in collaborating with teammates. the following concepts were used to make the UI experience better. Card views Scroll views Intents Java for main Activity, which covers from the usage of collections to Arrays Data structures and algorithms.

Code Snippet

code for splash screen

                Intent mainIntent = new Intent(SplashActivity.this, WelcomeActivity.class);
        }, SPLASH_LENGTH);

        mIv1 = findViewById(;
        mIv2 = findViewById(;

        top = AnimationUtils.loadAnimation(getApplicationContext(), R.anim.mainlogoanimation);
        bottom = AnimationUtils.loadAnimation(getApplicationContext(), R.anim.sublogoanimation);

Project statements and Expectations

The main objective was to Clone the App Tagged. Using any one of the layouts and scroll view, card views, activities, Intents, java for main Activity, fragments, drawables, and many more .

we have achieved all the expectations and presented the app Successfully.

Roles and responsibilities of team

we are a group of three members, my teammates were Abdul Mujib Khan and Vinod Kumar

we had a long discussion regarding the roles and responsibility and how to divide the work and collaborate.

Two members focused on the UI and Design of the App. (Me &Abdul)

The third member focused on the functionality part. (Vinod Kumar)

Key Learnings:

we have learned a real developer experience with my teammates, by dividing the project into fragments and collaborating with the help of Git - Github. we faced many git-conflict and errors in the deep approach of project therefore solved it and presented the App in time

Hence our team has improved a lot in Build week. looking forward to solving more problems and Building Apps.

our Intro Pages UI


Happy coding..... THANK YOU